Dear Member,
Here is a link to our January 2016 Action Report.
To assist you in navigating our redesigned website, we are also including here some convenient links to items mentioned in the Report.
Convenient Links to Discussed Resources:
Topic: Gun Violence or People Violence?
“End the Gun Epidemic in America,” front-page editorial, New York Times (12-4-15)
Topic: Climate Change
FFS online review (“A Masterful Wake-up Call”) of Steve Milloy’s Green Hell
Topic: Save the Constitution!
“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix it!” by Andrew Carver
“Status of Current Con-con Resolutions by State”
“Dagger in the Heart” Campaign Action Report
Topic: Campaign for Decency — Curb the Courts
“Culture War” Campaign Action Report
“For Whom the Court Toils” by Andrew Carver
“Time to Curb the Court” by Don Fotheringham
Model Resolution (downloadable PDF)
Topics: FFS Congressional Scorecard/Pending Legislation
“The Power of the Purse” by Tom Gow
Topic: Our December 2015 Action Report.
We encourage all members to share these alerts with interested personal contacts, while adding their own comments.