Freedom First Society

Helpful Government Sites

To help monitor Congress

U.S. House of Representatives (
Provides info on all sitting U.S. Representatives and access to their official government webpages. Also identifies reps by zip code.

U.S. Senate (
Provides info on all sitting U.S. Senators and access to their official government webpages. Also identifies senators by zip code.

Status of Appropriations Legislation
Provides a variety of links to activities in both chambers of Congress.

U.S. Senate: Legislation and Records
Provides online Senate Roll Call votes for current Session and back to 101st Congress, 1st Session (1989)

Office of the Clerk (U.S. House of Representatives)
Provides online House Roll Call votes for current Session and back to 101st Congress, 2nd Session (1990)

Public Laws
Lists enacted legislation (generally signed by the president).

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