Freedom First Society


Make an impact preserving freedom

Why consider a Membership?

Freedom First society is a principle-based organization, rather than a personality-driven organization. FFS is designed to stay on course in the face of expected pressures to compromise. Our programs are based on the insights and plan of the late great patriot Robert Welch. His insights were honed during almost 50 years of tough organizational leadership in the freedom battle. FFS eagerly takes the point on selected controversial issues of great national importance. As a member:

  • You will be supporting a program that is essential for the preservation of freedom.
  • You will be able to multiply your impact by investing in a sound organizational growth.
  • You will be working to preserve our Republic for future generations.
  • You will be part of an organization that aims to change the course of history.

Benefits of Membership

Expose and Rout Plans for Global Governance by providing fellow Americans with organization, programs, campaigns, and educational tools.

Create Effective Grassroots Pressure on Congress by building informed influence locally. As support, FFS has developed an online Congressional Scorecard so Americans can discover whether their elected representatives are adhering to the limits imposed on government by the Constitution.

Offer Concerned Americans the Opportunity to Get Involved and Organize for Victory!

Internet Resources Available to assist in exercising our influence.

Build National Impact through Focus on Concerted Action Campaigns. A monthly Action Report identifies selected issues of particular opportunity and importance and provides direction and support. Informed citizens do not squander their time fighting brush fires, rather they focus on stopping the arsonist.

Mold and Mobilize Local Public Opinion. Working in concert with other members, we host local events and organize supporting educational projects (e.g. speeches, billboards, literature tables in public places, and high profile public advertising).

Inform Ourselves and Others with books, articles, seminars, and DVDs.

Join Now


From: $12.50 / quarterly


Application for Membership

This is my application for membership in the Chapter of Freedom First Society for one year from this date, and for automatic renewal each year thereafter, unless I resign in writing. I understand the dues schedule, printed below, as applicable to myself.

I understand that Freedom First Society is a principle-based organization. I have read the Founding Principles, and in submitting this application I indicate my agreement with and willingness to support those principles.

If my application is accepted, I agree that my membership may be revoked at any time, by a duly appointed officer of the Society, without the reason being stated, on refund of the pro rata part of my dues paid in advance.

About Yourself