October 2017 Freedom First Society Action Report
Dear Member,
Here is a link to our October 2017 Action Report.
For your convenience, here is a link to last month’s Report: September 2017 Action Report.
Also for your convenience, we are also including here some links to items mentioned in this and recent Reports.
Topic: The UN — Freedom’s Enemy
“The UN – Freedom’s Enemy” (Post expanding on the October 2017 Action Report lead topic.)
A World Effectively Controlled By the United Nations (1962 Study Memorandum by Lincoln P. Bloomfield (CFR))
Masters of Deception (ordering info)
Topic: Congress: Just Vote the Constitution!
House vote (Roll Call 528) on omnibus appropriations act (FY2018)
FFS Congressional Scorecard table (115th Congress)
Recent post: “Voter-supplied Backbone Needed!”
Topic: Grow to Win
Recent post: “Voter-supplied Backbone Needed!”
Recent post: “Renegotiate NAFTA? No Way! — Get US out!”
Masters of Deception (ordering info)
Topic: Save our Constitution!
(Expose the Article V Con-con Fraud) Campaign Action Report
“In a Nutshell, the Case Against a Con-con” by Andrew Carver, 2-24-17
Model Article V Con-con Rescission-Resolution
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