“FY 2011 Budget Press Conference Opening Remarks” (February 1, 2010) FFS: Sebelius ignores the constitutional limits on government.
The December 9th Voice of America news clip announcing Susan Rice’s appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the UN promotes numerous myths about the president’s agenda and the UN. Those myths and misrepresentations threaten our liberties. We examine several here: • Myth: Obama’s election was “a signal to the world that America is on the path […]
In the following video clip, former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson makes clever use of satire to expose the folly of current economic proposals. [View Thompson video clip.] His insightful satire is right on the mark and worth sharing, IF it is supplemented with leadership regarding what to do about the problem (see below). Thompson argues […]
No More Government Power Grabs Thru Orchestrated Crises On Wednesday, November 19, 2008, President-elect Barak Obama addressed the climate summit hosted by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (please see 4-minute Obama video clip, below??). In his short address, Obama clearly demonstrates that he has embraced the globalist agenda by promoting a massive power grab. Virtually all […]
FFS Letter to Members and Fellow Patriots—Oct. 2, 2008
An article by Robert Pastor in the July-August 2008 issue of Foreign Affairs may well signal the next steps toward regional integration. In “The Future of North America — Replacing a Bad Neighbor Policy” Pastor purportedly offers advice to the new president who will take office in January. But such articles in the CFR’s Foreign […]
Note: The following article first appeared in the March 2008 Action Report of Freedom First Society. It was July 1973 and for the previous 18 months I had been a Coordinator on the staff of The John Birch Society. La Rita Quinn and her husband Bill had moved to Colorado from Moline, Illinois, and we […]
Here is the “Launch Special Report” announcing the founding of Freedom First Society.
Former John Birch Society Executives Launch New Organization On the weekend of October 20-21, a small group of concerned men and women met in Colorado Springs to launch a new organization — the Freedom First Society. CEO G. Vance Smith notes: “As our name indicates, our organization’s focus is on freedom first — the principles of freedom […]