Freedom First Society

The following editorial is particularly interesting, because it shows how long the organized forces of socialism have been working to gain total control of medicine. It first appeared as a paid advertisement in the Boston Herald on September 14, 1950. (The editorial was one broadside in the unsuccessful campaign of Robert H.W. Welch Jr. for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts.)


On this one we have to start far afield, and even delve into some history. But we promise to be back on Beacon Hill, talking about laws right here in Massachusetts, before the editorial is finished.

In 1919 there was founded, in Basle, Switzerland, an international society of socialists. They didn’t call themselves socialists, of course. Just as the English socialists have followed Shaw’s advice, and become known as the British Labor Party, this society called itself the International Labor Organization – or, briefly, the ILO. But neither a reading of their professed aims, as originally set forth, or as revised by the amendment of October 9, 1946, nor a study of their actual activities, will leave any doubt as to their purpose. This purpose his been, and is, to promote the gradual socialization of all the nations of the world.

We paid almost no attention to the ILO until 1934. In that year, under the prodding of Henry Wallace, Henry Morgenthau, and Frances Perkins, President Roosevelt had us join. Since then we’ve have taken an increasing part in their efforts, until both last year and the year before our federal government spent over a million dollars of your money and mine in support of the ILO.

By 1927 this group came to the conclusion that Lenin had been quite farsighted in his emphasis on socialized medicine as an entering wedge for collectivism. Their “recommendations” and publications began to break out all over with socialized medicine programs. They boast of having designed the nationalized medical service which Soviet Russia, adopted complete in the early 193O’s. They largely planned the programs later adopted by New Zealand, Australia, and two South American countries. Their thinking went quite largely into the legislation which became effective in England on July 5, 1948.

When the ILO decided that the time was ripe, they went to work on a socialized medicine program for this country. It was to begin, as always, with compulsory health insurance. Murray-Wagner-Dingell bills were presented to three consecutive American congresses. But the M-W-D bills were not written by Senator Murray, or Senator Wagner, or Congressman Dingell at all. It came out in Senate Committee hearings that they were written almost to the last word and comma, by Isadore Falk and Arthur Altmeyer. These two gentlemen happened, quite incidentally, to be drawing federal salaries in our Social Security Agency. But they were also official delegates of the ILO.

The ILO was unable to put over compulsory health insurance in this national level – yet. So they went to work at the state level, and five states now have such legislation. As soon as the Dever crowd came in, ready and willing to play ball with the big-shot socialists, the ILO started in Massachusetts. Their first “Cash Sickness Benefits” bill was defeated, and the subject then referred to a recess study commission. Early this spring that commission reported out favorably a new ‘Cash Sickness Benefits” bill. But alas, some nosey newspaper men asked to see the bill which they had just recommended – and they had to admit that they didn’t have the actual bill itself. This was coming through later. So far as this writer has been able to discover, it was really put together in a law office in Lowell, from pieces sent on from Washington. There is not the least doubt in the minds of minority members of that commission but that this legislation, for our own state, was also written by the same crowd, delegates of the ILO and their associates, who had written the M-W-D bills. And this much is certain. One of the great insurance companies of Massachusetts analyzed the bill, when it was finally made public, and found in it twenty-one separate sections, of no particular pertinence to Massachusetts, but which were identical in phrasing with sections of similar legislation that had been written for other states and other countries. It was again defeated, but –

There will be a bitter fight over similar legislation next year. The Falk-Altmeyer-Michael Davis-Oscar Ewing gang, fully supported by Truman and locally by the Devercrats, will keep hammering away until they put it over, too, unless we get an informed public opinion fully aroused. Honestly, haven’t we had enough of this kind of this kind of stuff? Let’s do something about it!

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