Freedom First Society

Former President Bill Clinton Warns Nation on 15th Anniversary of OKC Bombing

Clinton draws parallels between upheaval of 1995, today” (Video clip:  CNN’s Wolf Blitzer interviews the former president for an April 16th edition of CNN’s “Situation Room.”)

The Culture War Against Marriage and the Family Gains a Victory

Hawaii lawmakers pass civil unions bill” (, 4/30/2010)

U.N. Climate Talks Face “Collapse”

UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change” (The Daily Telegraph, April 11, 2010)


Is (Manmade) Global Warming Hoax Dead?

Expected Failure of Climate Bill Taints U.S. Image as Clean Energy Promoter” (CQ Politics, 5/03/10) <link error>

FFS: Don’t bet on the demise of global warming fright-peddling yet. While we welcome reports that public opinion has turned against the propaganda, the hoax in support of power-grabbing climate-change legislation and treaties has so much momentum worldwide that the internationalists will not readily let it die. If necessary, they will move it to the backburner until resistance has waned.

Note: The above CQ report outrageously avoids the issue of whether there is any substance to the pretext for burdensome government action. Nor does it even touch the question as to why U.S. politicians are suddenly reluctant to address the phony crisis.

Senate Passes Health Care “Fixes” Package

“Senate Passes Bill Modifying New Health Care Law” (CQ Politics, 3/25/10) <link error>

Federal Control No Rose Garden

Rotten to the Core” (Boston Herald, 2/28/10)

FFS: This devastating critique of the Common Core project for national education standards comes surprisingly from the Boston Herald Editorial Staff.  Nevertheless, it misses the key point:  The federal government has no proper role, constitutional or otherwise, in providing funding to education and prescribing standards.  In fact, a quick way to improve standards would be to get the federal government out of the education business.

Insiders Can’t Seal the Lid on “Inconvenient” Scientific Truth

American’s Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop” (Gallup, 3/11/10)

FFS:  The public is becoming aware that many climate scientists dispute the Al Gore predictions of catastrophic man-made climate change.  However, the proponents of this pretext for a massive government power grab continue brazenly to push forward as though their case is solid.

Federal manipulation of the jobless rate!

“Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate from Rising” (Business Week, 1/8/10) <link error>

FFS: Despite a growing population and more families needing two earners to make ends meet, bureaucrats decide that our labor force is shrinking.

Partisan Politics Slow Socialized Medicine Drive

“Obama, Republicans Square Off at Health Care Summit” (CQ Politics, 2/26/10)

FFS: With congressional elections just around the corner, Washington is responding to voter wariness over Democratic plans to “fix” health care. Article reports on latest partisan exchanges.

The War Against U.S. Industrial Capacity

“How they are turning off the lights in America” (Climate Physics, November 9, 2009) <link error>

Alternate link:  “How they are turning off the lights in America

Last year’s news, but significant!

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