Freedom First Society supplies a unique and vital perspective missing from the national “debate” over Common Core.
In our campaign DVD, Getting to the Core of Common Core, Idaho Chapter Leader Mrs. Julianne Young points out that Common Core is just one recent manifestation of a much bigger agenda that has plagued education for decades. And she insists that the real threat driving Common Core cannot be defeated without addressing the bigger picture. (View on YouTube.)
Unfortunately, “Conservative” leadership addressing Common Core generally adopts the narrow, reactive focus Julianne Young warns against, as though Common Core were an isolated problem.
The nationwide momentum behind Common Core, supported by billions in federal money, has properly alarmed many Americans, even though they see only a small part of the picture. Our urgency and imperative is to introduce them to the bigger picture, so the entire subversive education agenda and the forces behind it can ultimately be defeated
Excellent candidates for sharing the DVD include: 1) “conservative” members of local school boards; 2) local citizens who have expressed concern over Common Core; 3) home-schooling parents; and 4) parents who have children in government schools.” Also view and share links to the video on YouTube.
Please also read and share our supporting campaign articles (see Articles/Campaign Support). A few links are provided below:
“The Common Core Cabal Strikes Again”, op-ed by Mrs. Julianne Young
“SBAC Concerns Need a Fair and Open Hearing Now”, op-ed by Mrs. Julianne Young
And here is a link to excerpts from the Freedom First Society monthly Action Reports, received by FFS members, as we launched this campaign.