The Constitution has once again become the target of an insidious, concerted attack by advocates of a modern constitutional convention (con-con). This well funded campaign is deceptively capitalizing on legitimate conservative concerns to stampede state legislators into calling for a disastrous and falsely portrayed con-con under Article V of the Constitution.
Recommended Action: Please read our Campaign Action Report and act now to prevent your state legislature from playing right into the hands of the enemies of limited government.  Also see our Talking Points alert.
Valuable Support:Â Â This attempt to convince state legislators to put our Constitution at risk has been tried before. Â However, this time the advocates are falsely claiming that a state-initiated convention through Article V of the Constitution is not a constitutional convention, but a different animal that can be limited by the state resolutions. Â Long ago, top experts on the Constitution rebutted this heresy. Â See, for example, letters from:
Warren Burger, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Rex Lee, former president of BYU and former dean of BYU Law School
Gerald Gunther, former professor of constitutional law, Stanford University
And also this summary:
“Top Scholars Weigh in on Article V”
Don Fotheringham, Constitution Advisor for Freedom First Society, has also contributed valuable analysis:
“The Danger of a ‘Convention of States'”
 A compiled list of state legislatures with the status of dangerous resolutions currently active can be found here:
“Status of Current Con-con Resolutions by State”
We offer here for state legislators a model Con-con rescission resolution:
Model Article V Con-con Rescission Resolution
For information on a legislature — instead of its measures — see our State Legislature Information page with links to information on the state websites.  Activists will want to supplement the information on our “Status of Current Con-con” list with their own research on these sites.