House Roll Call 513 (9-30-23). Issue: H.R. 5860, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act. Question: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended.
Result: Passed in House, 335 to 91, 7 not voting (2/3 vote required). Agreed to later that day by the Senate (Senate Vote Number 247). Became Public Law 118-15 (signed by the President, 9-30-23). GOP & Democrats scored.
[GOP: 126 to 90, 5nv; Dems: 209 to 1, 2nv]
[GOP nays include: Buck, Gaetz, Jordan, Massie, McCormock, Roy]
From the Congressional Research Service Summary
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act
This act provides continuing FY2024 appropriations to federal agencies through November 17, 2023, and provides emergency funding for disaster relief.
It also extends several expiring programs and authorities, including several Federal Aviation Administration programs, the National Flood Insurance Program, Federal Drug Administration user fees for animal drug applications, and several public health programs.
We have assigned ✔ (good vote) to the Nays and ✖ (bad vote) to the Yeas. (P = voted present; ? = not voting; blank = not listed on roll call.)
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FFS Analysis: No one should seek to shut down the government, but responsible reps should insist on accompanying plans to return to constitutionally authorized government to get their vote. Instead, no mention of the Constitution is made during the debate — just business as usual — except the 27th amendment re pay raises. If enough reps would refuse such business as usual there would be enough to begin the rollback that might justify a future CR. But major changes in Congress and pressure from an informed, determined electorate would be necessary for that to happen.