Freedom First Society

March 12, 2015

To all FFS Members, 

We are pleased to announce an important new resource in our battle to prevent a second constitutional convention.

FFS member Andrew Carver has gone to the websites of all 50 states and compiled a list of links and status of new con-con resolutions by state. This list should make it much easier for members to find out what has been, and is, going on in a particular state.

For your convenience, we repeat here the link to our four-page “No Con-con Special Report.” [A link to this report can also be found on the “No New Con-con” Campaign Page.]  This report contains many of the arguments you will want to use in your contacts with state legislators.

Remember: It requires much less opposition to stop these dangerous bills while they are merely introduced rather than approved by a committee and sent to the full chamber for a vote. Although legislators listen the most to their own constituents, you can have influence outside your district and state.


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