Freedom First Society

Welcome to Freedom First Society

Who We Are

We seek to expose the Conspiracy targeting our freedom and to re-establish limited government under the Constitution. Come join with us to work to save America: our freedom, our liberty, our God-given rights.

Special Offer!

The World Economic Forum: High Road to Global Tyranny

Learn more about one of the most influential of internationalist organizations seeking to build world tyranny!

Order 1 copy for $6, 2-23 copies for $3.50 each, OR purchase a case of 24 booklets for only $25, SHIPPING INCLUDED (free shipping only with a full case)!

FREEDOM'S Foundations

Watch Parts 1 - 4

Freedom's Foundation Part 1: Americanism

Freedom's Foundation Part 2: The Marxist Attack

Freedom's Foundation Part 3: The Insiders

Freedom's Foundation Part 4: The Solution

Save The Constitution

Save The Constitution: Part 1

Save The Constitution: Part 2

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